


Before Photo

Griffin Designs LLCSave Photo

Photos by Blackstock Photography

Kitchen at a Glance
Who lives here: A family of four
Location: Mendham Township, New Jersey
Size: 336 square feet (31 square meters)
Designer: Alison Griffin of Griffin Designs

Before: The house is set perpendicular to a fairly busy road. The home’s front entrance, pictured here to the right of the windows, opens to a side yard.

The room — which previously contained only living and dining spaces and now also houses the kitchen — extends from this side of the house to the other in one open space. This photo looks toward the dining and family room areas. The other end of the room, which was not photographed before the remodel, contained a rarely used sitting area with expansive views of a dense forest preserve.

The room’s ceilings were just 7⅓ feet, which made the space dark. “This is such a large, long space, which made the ceilings seem even lower,” Griffin says.

The original kitchen was on the other side of the house, in a back corner. “That kitchen was small and cramped,” Griffin says. The homeowners wanted to move the kitchen to this side of the house.

This dining table, with its wood top and metal legs, was a good fit for the new city loft look and was kept.

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This article was originally published by a
www.houzz.com . Read the Original article here. .

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